Welcome to the Demo Scroll!

On Twodens, Scrolls are written extensions of the lore found in a dragon's bio. Oftentimes, they contain the events that are discussed in the bios, such as the meeting of two dragons. They're almost like extra bits that can help deepen your understanding of a dragon's story and actions.

Scroll Pages don't just do that, however! They also can contain hints to Puzzle Pages, and some of these hints link up with Memory Pages to help create the solution. They also may have even more hidden links, like to other Scrolls, Memory, or Puzzle Pages! At the bottom of each Scroll is a link back to the bio of the dragon the Scroll can be found in.

Scrolls have a special property within Twodens - They are the only pages to be put in an index. This index does not contain Puzzles or Memories. Think of this index as a library.

As a final note, pages on this site are categorized by den alignment - media type (scrolls, memories, puzzles) - related dragon. This is both to make managing this site easier, and so people navigating can keep track of which den they're exploring and what dragon they're learning about.

Oh, yeah - You still need to solve that puzzle page, right?